Category: Health

  • Cataract Surgery: Restore Clear Vision and Avoid Accidents!

    Save Your Eyesight with Cataract Surgery Did you know that cataract surgery can help you stay safe and healthy? According to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, those over the age of 65 who undergo cataract surgery have a 16% reduced risk of suffering a hip fracture due to a fall.…

  • Bump Up Your H2O: Staying Hydrated in the Summer Heat

    Think and Drink: Preventing Dehydration Summertime is a great time to get outside and enjoy an outdoor barbecue, a baseball game, a parade, or sightseeing. However, when it is hot and humid, everyone’s risk of dehydration increases. So, it’s time to think and drink water. That water can come from various foods and beverages besides water itself. Juicy fruits…

  • Winter Skin Care for Seniors: Essential Tips for Cold Weather

    As winter approaches, many of us know all too well the feeling of dry, itchy, and cracked skin. For older adults, whose skin is often thinner and more delicate, this can be a serious issue. Inactivity and spending a lot of time indoors can also make their skin even more fragile. As a caregiver, I…