Cataract Surgery: Restore Clear Vision and Avoid Accidents!



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Save Your Eyesight with Cataract Surgery

Did you know that cataract surgery can help you stay safe and healthy?

According to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, those over the age of 65 who undergo cataract surgery have a 16% reduced risk of suffering a hip fracture due to a fall.

Even better: Researchers discovered that this same surgery lowers car accident risk by 13%. With clearer vision, seniors have improved their overall well-being and quality of life! 

So, cataract surgery can be a valuable way to protect your health and safety.

As you age, cataracts may start to affect your vision.

Symptoms of a developing cataract might include:

  • dimmed or blurry vision
  • double vision
  • increased sensitivity to bright lights
  • needing stronger lighting to read
  • and constant eyeglass changes.

Smoking and prolonged sun exposure can worsen the development of these natural opacities in your lens. 

Cataract surgery is the only effective treatment – thankfully, it’s safer and more affordable than ever! Generally, this procedure is performed as an outpatient visit and doesn’t necessitate an overnight hospital stay.

The surgeon will replace any cloudy lenses with a new clear implant, after which you’ll need to use some eye drops and avoid heavy lifting/driving for a few weeks. All in all, cataract surgery has come a long way and can improve the clarity of sight!

When you reach the big 4-0, get a routine eye exam! This checkup will allow your doctor to track any changes in your vision over time. 

The National Eye Institute has estimated that by the age of eighty, more than half of all Americans will develop cataracts. It’s best to have a yearly checkup after 65 to ensure that your sight is crystal clear and any issues are pinpointed quickly.

If paying for an exam isn’t feasible, take advantage of EyeCare America! This program, provided by the American Academy of Ophthalmology Foundation, offers no-cost exams to those aged 65 and above who meet certain qualifications.

If you suspect something is wrong with your eyesight, please don’t delay getting an authorized diagnosis—and surgery, if necessary. Caregivers and their loved ones can enjoy good eye health and maintain sharp vision through awareness and preventative measures.